Examining the RNAi Mechanism Kit (RNAi and Amplification; with voucher)
Advanced - For experienced high school and college classes; requires some basic technical skill.
- Demonstrate to your students the power of silencing a single gene
- Teach about a powerful method for determining gene function
- Explore the relationship between phenotype, genotype, and RNAi-induced phenotype
- Perform bioinformatics exercises exploring protein function and C. elegans, and human relatedness
RNA interference (RNAi) is a technique that allows you to silence the expression of a chosen gene by specifically degrading the gene's mRNA. Examining the RNAi Mechanism kit allows students to use this Nobel Prize-winning technique to silence the dpy-13 gene in the nonparasitic roundworm C. elegans. They observe wild-type worms eat a lab strain of E. coli that expresses double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) corresponding to the targeted gene, dumpy 13 (dpy-13).
Kit includes a voucher to request perishable materials later at your convenience. Contact us or return the voucher to request delivery of perishables.
FREE 1-year access to digital resources that support NGSS instruction included.
Specifications - What’s Included:
- 1 Ampicillin, 10 mg/mL, 4 mL
- 2 Cholesterol, 5 mg/mL, 0.3 mL
- 1 IPTG, 0.036 g
- 1 Proteinase K, 20 mg/mL, 25 μL
- 1 DNA Marker pBR322/BstN1, 200 μL
- 4 dpy-13 (e458) Worms on NGM-lite Plates
- 1 dpy-13 Primer/Loading Dye Mix, 700 μL
- 1 E. coli RNA Feeding Strain (dpy-13) LB Amp/Tet Slant
- 1 E. coli OP50 on LB Slant
- 4 Wild-type Worms on NGM-lite Plates
- 1 1x Lysis Buffer, 0.5 mL
- 6 Sterile Bulb Pipets
- 3 Sterile Culture Tubes, 15 mL
- 3 Sterile Inoculating Loops
- 3 LB Broth, 3 mL
- 1 Mineral Oil, 5 mL
- 1 Melt 'n Pour NGM-lite, 300 mL
- 1 Melt 'n Pour NGM-lite, 100 mL
- 40 Sterile Petri Dishes, 60 mm
- 25 Ready-to-Go™ PCR Beads (0.2 mL tubes)
- 1 Sterile Distilled Water, 1 mL
- 8 Sterile Toothpicks
- 1 Teacher's Manual and Reproducible Student Guide
Needed But Not Included:
- Document Camera or Overhead Projector
- Stereomicroscope
- Bunsen Burner
- Containers with Cracked or Crushed Ice
- Container with Liquid Nitrogen or Dry Ice
- Digital or Instant Camera (optional)
- Ethanol, 95%
- Gel Casting Trays and Combs
- Gel Electrophoresis Chamber
- Masking Tape
- Microcentrifuge
- Microcentrifuge Adaptors
- Micropipettor and Tips, 1-20 μL and 20-200 μL
- Microcentrifuge Tube Rack
- Mineral Oil
- PCR Tubes, 0.2 or 0.5 μL
- Permanent Markers, Black and Red
- Power Supply
- Steel Scalpel, Spatula, or Forceps
- Thermal Cycler
- UV or White Light Transilluminator
- Water Bath, 60°C (for agarose solution)
- Heavy-duty Plastic Bag
- Household Bleach