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Science Olympiad Protein Modeling Event Pre-Build Kit

Science Olympiad Protein Modeling Event Pre-Build Kit

Excluding Sales Tax

The 2020-2021 Science Olympiad Modeling Event focuses on a modified CRISPR system that allows for correcting single base mutations in DNA. Teams will model a portion of the cytosine deaminase protein. This protein is used in conjunction with the CRISPR-Cas9 system to target a specific C-G base pair and convert it to a T-A base pair.

Pre-Build Kit materials can be reused for each event this season. The model is based on residues 31-145 of 5keg.pdb. Find the pre-build visualization environment and other resources to help sharpen your protein modeling skills on the MSOE Center for BioMolecular Modeling's (CBM) website.

The Amino Acid Starter Kit© provides the best preparation for understanding protein structure and function. Save 15% with our Pre-Build Kit and Amino Acid Starter Kit Bundle.



Pre-Build Kit
1 228cm mini toober
2 end caps
6 support posts

* The displayed value refers to the Pre-Build Kit


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