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Sodium Channel Mini Model

Sodium Channel Mini Model

Excluding Sales Tax

This plaster mini model is being discontinued as we redesign it for 3D printing in a larger size and a more durable material. Best of all, we believe we will be able to offer it at a lower price! Watch for its updated availability on our Facebook page, Instagram, and eNewsletter.

Voltage-gated sodium channels play a critical role in generating the action potential in signaling neurons. As they open – in response to an approaching action potential – sodium ions enter the cell, leading to depolarization and a continuation of the action potential.

This model of a bacterial sodium channel shows only the pore domain of the protein, not the domain responsible for sensing the voltage across the membrane. The pore domain of the sodium channel is similar to the potassium channel in that it is a homo-tetramer in which 4 identical proteins come together to form the ion pore – exposed on the outside surface of the cell. This pore is much larger than the pore of the potassium channel. This is surprising because the Na+ ion is smaller than the K+ ion; however, the Na+ ion is transported in its water-hydrated state while the water molecules are stripped off the K+ ion during the transport process, and therefore the pore itself can be smaller. The protein was captured in its open conformation, where your students can easily see how Na+ ions can be released into the cytoplasm after passing through the pore.


This 3.75'' model is made of plaster by rapid prototyping and should be handled with care. Mini models will break if dropped, held tightly or handled roughly.


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