Physical Education
Pri Science
Sec Science
Healthcare Edu
Flow Meter
OHAUS pH Pen Meter, Resolution: 0.1 pH
Digital Pocket Thermometer
VEE GEE® BTX-1 Handheld Refractometer
LaMotte® Pondwater Tour Kit
LaMotte® Tapwater Tour Kit
LaMotte® Watershed Tour Kit
LaMotte® AM-12 TesTab Water Investigation Kit,
Earth Force® Standard Water Monitoring Kit
Earth Force® Low-Cost Water Quality Monitoring Kit
Earth Force® Color Chart, Pack of 10
LaMotte® TesTab® Refill, pH, 1 pack of 50 tablets
LaMotte® TesTab® Refill, Dissolved Oxygen, 1 pack of 50 tablets
LaMotte® TesTab® Refill, Phosphate, 1 pack of 50 Tablets
LaMotte® TesTab® Refill, Nitrate Wide Range, 1 pack of 50 Tablets
LaMotte® TesTab® Refill, Coliform Bacteria, 44 Tests